Frequently Asked Questions
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Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about our products.

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  1. What Makes the HC-7000 Superior to other brands of electronic pet fences?
  2. How many feet of wire come with the HC-7000A?
  3. How do I figure the total amount of wire that I will need?
  4. How much extra wire can I add?
  5. What gauge wire comes with the HC-7000A system?
  6. Is the wire gauge important?
  7. Does the wire have to make a continuous loop?
  8. Why do I need to twist some parts of the wire?
  9. Can I buy pre-twisted wire?
10. Can I buy someone else's wire?
11. How deep do I have to bury the wire?
12. Can I mount the wire above ground?
13. How do I go across my driveway?
14. Can I cross a stream with the wire?
15. Will the system wire work under snow?
16. How many dogs can I contain at once?
17. Does the HC-7000A need a lightning surge protector?
18. Where do I mount the HC-7000A transmitter?
19. What if my power goes out¸ will the dog escape?
20. How can I test my system?
21. Why do I need flags? How long do they need to stay up?
22. What kind of dog training is required?
23. How long will it take to train my dog?
24. Is the HC-7000A guaranteed to contain my dog?
25. What kind of warranty do I get with the HC-7000A?
  1. What Makes the HC-7000 Superior to other brands of electronic pet fences?
The technologically advanced HC-7000A Super System has many advanced features that sets it apart from all other "competing" electronic fences. However, the most important feature is our exclusive Pulsed Proportional Stimulus SystemTM the result of extensive research, this unique method of applying shock that makes the HC-7000A work more quickly, effectively with less pain. SUPER ADVANCED TRANSMITTER
A computer chip inside the HC-7000 receiver collar actually detects the distance of your pet from the boundary wire by measuring the relative radio signal strength. It then applies a combination of sound and shock stimuli in inverse proportion to the distance from the boundary wire. In other words, the closer your pet is to the boundary wire, the more sound and shock stimulus is applied.
As your pet first comes within the outermost boundary area, a slow beeping warning tone is sounded along with a very mild stimulus. The first shock is delivered as a single PULSE of electrical stimulus. This initial pulse is a FULL VOLTAGE stimulus but, it is of very SHORT DURATION. It will immediately get your pet's attention but, it is so short that your pet will probably not perceive it as painful. If your pet continues toward the boundary the shocks are pulsed at an increasing rate, until your pet retreats. At the same time, sound pulses are emitted at approximately the same rate as the shock pulses.
If, instead of retreating, your pet continues to travel closer to the boundary, the shock pulse RATE continues to increase along with an increasing rate of sound pulses, until they are delivered in such rapid succession as to be unbearable to your pet, encouraging the animal to retreat from the boundary into the "safe zone" of your yard. The use of progressively increasing shock pulse rate is a very humane technique because it allows your pet to decide for itself how much stimulus is required to initiate the retreat behavior.
Our NEW HC-7000 is also packed with loads of other innovative and useful features.
The RC-3 or RC-3R collar that comes with your HC-350 system my be used with our innovative RADIO MAT Scat Pad. Place the pad on the couch, bed, near trash cans, in front of doorways, anywhere that's OFF LIMITS to your pet. When your pet steps on the pad, it emits a radio signal that triggers the stimulus on the containment system receiver collar quickly teaching your pet to SCAT! Select the number of RADIO MAT pads you would like to add using the order form below.
  2. How many feet of wire come with the HC-7000A?
Five hundred feet of wire is included with your HC-7000A system. This will cover approximately one-third of an acre.
  3. How do I figure the total amount of wire that I will need?
Sketch out your desired boundary layout. Add the length of each run of wire for field wire length. Multiply the length of twisted wire by 2 (since it is a twisted PAIR of wires). Add the field wire length to the twisted length for the total amount of wire required. Take a look at the example below.
Now, calculate the amount of wire to create inner boundaries.
Total wire required with the pool equals the outer boundary field length of 656 feet plus the pool boundary of 170 feet for a total of 826 feet. You need two 500 foot spools of wire.
4. How much extra wire can I add? The HC-7000A system has enough power to transmit through over ten 500 foot spools of wire. Thats more than one mile!
5. What gauge wire comes with the HC-7000A system? Your HC-7000A Super System includes Heavy Duty, Outdoor Rated, Solid Core, Copper wire. This is simply the best wire you find included with any electronic pet fence made. As you may know, the smaller the wire gauge number, the larger the wire diameter. Most electronic fence systems today use 20 gauge wire because the cost of copper has increased sharply over the past couple of years. In addition, many electronic fence manufacturers use wire made of a mixture of copper and aluminum instead of pure copper. However, High Tech Pet still uses the very best, Heavy Gauge, Burial Approved, Copper wire standard with your HC-7000A super system. It would be a "SUPER SYSTEM" without SUPER WIRE!
6. Is the wire gauge important?Using an adequate wire gauge is important for two reasons. Signal transmission and strength. For smaller yards, 20 gauge wire may work okay. However, thicker wire will give you better, cleaner signal transmission. This means less chance of interference from power lines and other electro-magnetic noise sources. As the size of your containment area increases, the more important it is to use heavier, copper wire that comes standard with your HC-7000A Super System.
7. Does the wire have to make a continuous loop? Yes, your field configuration must make a continuous loop beginning at the "Red" terminal of the base station transmitter and ending at the "Black" terminal.
8. Why do I need to twist some parts of the wire? You use twisted wire to cancel the field in areas that you wish to allow your pet to cross. This is a simple process but it can be a little tricky. You need to make sure that each of the twisted wires is one leg of the continuous loop otherwise the field won't cancel. Take a look at the examples below.
9. Can I buy pre-twisted wire? Yes, you can let us do the twisting for you by purchasing our pre-twisted wire kit. Our pre-twisted, wire is sold in lengths of one hundred feet. See Model TW-100.
10. Can I buy someone else's wire? Yes, other manufacturers make wire that will work with your HC-7000A system or you may find compatible wire at your local hardware store. However, we do recommend that you stick with the same type of heavy-duty, heavy gauge, copper wire with outdoor rated insulation that comes with your HC-7000A system. However, you will probably not find a lower price than our BE-500 boundary extension kit which includes 500 feet of wire, 50 boundary flags and 10 waterproof wire connectors.
11. How deep do I have to bury the wire? You should bury the wire three to four inches deep. This is done just to protect the wire from getting snagged by people, pets and machinery. Do not bury the wire deeper than four inches or you may get an attenuated field width and inconsistent field strength.
12. Can I mount the wire above ground? Yes, you can run the wire along a fence or wall or along the ground using ground staples.
13. How do I go across my driveway? Using a rotary power saw with a masonry blade, make a slit across your driveway about 1/2 inch deep. Run the boundary wire in the slit and seal with silicon caulk of a color to match your driveway. (Don't worry, it's not as hard as it sounds.)
14. Can I cross a stream with the wire? Yes, many pet owners cross streams on their property by running the boundary wire inside a piece of PVC plastic conduit to protect it from debris in the stream.
15. Will the system wire work under snow? Yes, snow has little to no effect on the performance of the HC-7000A.
16. How many dogs can I contain at once?
Add as many collars as you like to contain as many animals as you have. There is no limit to the number of collars our advanced Humane Contain can control.
17. Does the HC-7000A need a lightning surge protector? While some other systems offer lightening protection as an added cost item,our advanced Humane Contain has built-in lightening protection that protects your system and home from power surges caused by lightening strikes.
18. Where do I mount the HC-7000A transmitter? The base station transmitter can be mounted to any wall near a 110 volt household wall outlet in a dry and protected area.
19. What if my power goes out¸ will the dog escape? We offer an optional battery back up that protects your pet in the case of an electrical power failure, automatically switching your transmitter over to battery power. This maintains the boundary field and keeps your pet contained throughout the power outage. When power is restored, the battery will automatically be disconnected.
20. How can I test my system?
Before burying your boundary wire, we recommend that you run the complete loop of wire, make all connections and use the receiver collar to fully test the system with the wire above ground. Run and connect the wire loop above ground, and connect it to the Transmitter Base Station. Bury the wire only after verifying that everything is working properly.
21. Why do I need flags? How long do they need to stay up?Boundary flags are provided so that your pet can easily see the boundary perimeter. This is especially important during training. Flags should be placed along the entire perimeter spaced no more than ten feet apart. Once your pet is trained to instinctively know the boundary area, you can start removing the flags, removing every 3rd flag the first week, then every other flag the second week, and the remaining flags the third week. If you see any sign that your dog is becoming confused by the removal of the flags, replace them for a few more weeks and then repeat the removal process.
22. What kind of dog training is required? It is important to train your dog to your electronic fence. Your dog must be trained to first, know the boundary area, and second, know what to do when a stimulus correction is received. Unless your dog is trained to retreat from the stimulus, it will instinctively run in any direction, possibly running through the stimulus field. This is why training is necessary for your pet.
23. How long will it take to train my dog? Training usually takes about 45 minutes to an hour per day in 3 or 4 fifteen minute segments and lasts 2 to 4 weeks depending on the trainer and the dog.
24. Is the HC-7000A guaranteed to contain my dog? The HC-7000A offers a feature exclusive to High Tech Pet Products - Pulsed Proportional™ shock stimulus. This, accompanied with Progressive Tone Stimulus, reinforces the shock stimulus resulting in quicker, easier training, and a very dependable containment system.
25. What kind of warranty do I get with the HC-7000A? Your Humane Contain Model HC-7000 is the best made electronic fence you can buy and it’s covered by the best warranty. If anything goes wrong with your product within one year of purchase, you may return it to us for a free replacement.